Positive Corporate Pop Track!
Corporate Pop is a positive and motivating track that will create a smooth and professional mood for your corporate project while stirring uplifting emotions within your audience.
With a clean corporate sound, this track is full of positive energy enhance with its strong and clappy pop beat.
The track was crafted for the purpose of bringing positive excitement to your corporate project. Get your audience excited and captivated. Make them feel good about themselves and they will feel good about your project and brand!
Built around a soft piano, and a melody played by guitar harmonics, the track is driven by a strong pop beat and bass. Acoustic guitars add some warmth, while various smooth synths add some air.
With its simple and catchy melody, positive atmosphere and uplifting mood, this track will be perfect for your corporate project!

- Duration:2:12
- BPM:120
- Genre:Corporate
- Mood:Positive, Smooth, Motivational
- Instruments:Piano, Acoustic Guitars, Bass, Synths, Drums

Perfect for:
Background corporate music for: uplifting and inspiring motivational video projects such as, advertising, corporate presentations, slideshows, Youtube videos, product presentations, inspirational stories,…